We Connect Business | (334) 567-4811|sphelps@wetumpkachamber.org

WACC Gears Up for the 2023 GRIT Women’s Summit

The Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the 2023 GRIT Women's Summit, scheduled to take place on August 31st at the Wetumpka Civic Center. This year's event promises to be a transformative experience, bringing together a diverse and dynamic group of women from the region, all united by their shared passion [...]

By |2023-07-31T14:50:30-05:00July 31st, 2023|News, Programs & Events, Promotions & Advertisement|Comments Off on WACC Gears Up for the 2023 GRIT Women’s Summit

Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce’s Troy Student Partnership

Reduce Student Membership Rates The Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce offers a reduced student membership rate so students attending Troy University can receive the discount and become involved in the Chamber of Commerce.  And, together with Main Street Wetumpka, an independent, nonprofit organization,  organized to revitalize our once-bustling downtown business district;  we're offering [...]

By |2019-10-06T09:31:53-05:00October 6th, 2019|News, Promotions & Advertisement|Comments Off on Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce’s Troy Student Partnership

Planning Your Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Congratulations! Your ribbon cutting or groundbreaking represents an important day for your business. This guide is designed to help you plan your ceremony with an overall checklist, followed by details explaining each section. Please keep in mind that every business is different, so not all details will apply.  There are no hard-and-fast rules - apply [...]

By |2019-10-23T12:39:00-05:00August 20th, 2019|Business, News, Promotions & Advertisement|Comments Off on Planning Your Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Troy University Corporate Partnership Program

10% tuition scholarship and free application fee to all full time employees of a WACC Chamber member! FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE. PART-TIME WARRIOR. Corporate Partnership Program Troy University is proud to partner with local community businesses, organizations and municipalities. The partnership offers a 10% tuition scholarship and free application fee to all full-time employees associated with the [...]

By |2019-10-03T17:22:34-05:00August 13th, 2019|Member-to-Member Deals, Promotions & Advertisement|Comments Off on Troy University Corporate Partnership Program
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